About Us
What is Project DIME?
A significant portion of our national budget is allocated each year for infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, schools, and health facilities. Ensuring these funds are effectively used and benefit the Filipino people is essential.
To address the challenge of monitoring high-value government projects, the Department of Budget and Management, in partnership with the Department of Science and Technology, launched Project DIME (Digital Imaging for Monitoring and Evaluation) in March 2018.
The platform uses technologies such as satellites, drones, and geotagging to monitor the status of major projects. The goal is to enhance government transparency and accountability, encourage citizen participation, and ensure that the public funds are well-spent.
The Project DIME Project was terminated in December 2021 due to the expiration of the Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Science and Technology - Advanced Science and Technology Institute (DOST-ASTI) and the change of priority plan because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
As the DBM pursues its Digital Transformation Roadmap to support the government's ongoing digital transformation to enhance bureaucratic efficiency and ensure sound fiscal management, the DBM in collaboration with the Philippine Open Government Partnership (PH-OGP) consider the relaunch of Project DIME in 2023.
Our Mission
To provide and promote a more efficient and effective mechanism for planning, monitoring, evaluation and validation of government programs and projects for Budget and Management Bureaus of DBM, Management Oversight, and Implementing Agencies by applying innovative use of technologies.
Our Vision
By 2022, DIME and its science-based monitoring and evaluation principles and processes will be integrated into the budget and management system of the government.
DIME Features
Be Aware
View High Value Government Infrastructure Projects
Monitor progress of projects and compare it with actual data (Be a patroller)
Give Feedback
Let your voice be heard by letting us know the actual progress of projects by giving your feedback
"Project DIME is a digital transformation initiative that enables participatory and real-time monitoring of government infrastructure projects. It is a game-changer—ensuring greater efficiency, transparency, and public participation in the way services are delivered to the Filipino people."
Secretary Amenah F. Pangandaman
DBM Secretary
"Project DIME will help ensure that every peso allocated to government programs and projects will be used efficiently and effectively."
Gov. Benjamin Diokno
Former DBM Secretary
"Project DIME, achieved through the collaboration of various government agencies and civil society organizations, marks a significant leap forward in government transparency and accountability. The successful integration of its comprehensive data management system represents a major accomplishment for the national government, enhancing operational efficiency and fostering a culture of transparency, accessibility, and accountability. In line with the mission and vision of Project DIME, the innovative use of modern technologies and science-based monitoring and evaluation principles and processes builds trust and upholds government accountability, fostering a culture of continuous improvement in government performance."
Undersecretary Maria Francesca M. Del Rosario
Functional Group Head of the Information and Communications Technology Group and Chief Information Officer
"The only reliable judge of the work that we do in the Philippine Government are the Filipino people, so what better way to move forward than to open up DIME and engage more of our citizens in this process?"
Assistant Secretary Clarito Alejandro D. Magsino
Former DBM Chief Information Officer
"Revived with the vision of seamless integration, Project DIME fortifies the digital transformation roadmap for enhancing the public financial management (PFM) ecosystem in the Government of the Philippines. This collaborative effort among multiple government agencies leverages mapping technologies to promote transparency and accountability, ultimately benefiting citizens."
Assistant Secretary Gerardo E. Maula
Information and Communications Technology Group